BRIEF: Rebranding

POSITION: Graphic designer


Comega (new spanish media marketing company) needed a logo and they hired me to create their first corporative identity. Few years later they contacted me again to make the rebranding. They wanted to create a minimal and clean style but without loosing their identity. So I decided to continue with the old typography, circles shapes and colours.



In the new design I wanted to give more importance to the colours, to continue with the playful and funny style of the brand. I disintegrate the circles from the first logo but keeping the original colours. This creates a minimal and cleaner image of the brand.



Also each stationery item has assigned a colour. This is printed on the back part of the item together with the logo typography, icon and website address.


Customer service Webs and AppsUX/UI and Visual design

Customer service Webs and Apps

UX/UI and Visual design

Mobile webInteraction and visual design

Mobile web

Interaction and visual design

APPInteraction and visual design


Interaction and visual design

AdvertisingArt direction


Art direction

APPInteraction and visual design


Interaction and visual design

APPInteraction and visual design


Interaction and visual design

BrandingGraphic design


Graphic design